Saturday, 27 October 2018

Friday, 26 October 2018

Salamander Shaman.

I would really like to go all 'Hunny I shrunk the kids' for a day. I know I probably would not survive for long, but the undergrowth is such an amazing yet difficult to observe part of any ecosystem.

Monday, 15 October 2018

Shenophryne cornuta

Inspired by a stunning photo taken by Chien C Lee of a Shenophryne cornuta. What an amazing parent.

Check out Lee's website here.

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Not a bug, so shit?

I am trying not to fall into a life long habit of making a pattern/project of the art I create. It is not easy for me, I think it may be to do with trying to drop the mind frame of wanting to be a concept artist. what I want to do ideally is create art as and when I want, and not feel obligated to follow any rules that my subconscious tries to set for myself. This will not happen over night, so I am meeting myself half way, and painting nature as it has always been the fundamental inspiration in what I do.